The Nottingham Horror Collective Issue 7: The Fool
Indie publishing for Horror fans.
Devoted to creating beautiful zines that celebrate and explore the Horror genre.
In Tarot, The Fool represents inexperience, not knowing what to expect, and taking a leap of faith. How appropriate for us — just two silly geese with a penchant for horror that have, frankly, taken this too far.
Reversed, this card represents chaos, being naïve, poor judgement and stupidity. Which is also fitting.
The Fool archetype is a way for Horror storytellers to throw some light into the darkness. To give us that uncomfortable laugh in between the jump scares. To paint the face of Death in clown makeup and hand him a red balloon.
Everyone could do with a laugh right now. So here we are, poking our fingers into corn-syrupy SFX wounds looking for joy.
We’re all fools, here.
THE FOOL is A5, perfect-bound, with a beautiful soft-touch laminated cover and silk pages. 64 pages.